Many small and medium-sized companies are not in a position to have a full-time CFO on staff. Ironically these same companies are most often the companies that would benefit the most from the expertise of an experienced CFO. K3 Kensulting Inc. provides this expertise on a part-time basis. We can take complete responsibility for the financial side of your company, or we can work with your existing staff – it all depends upon your business, because every business is different and requires a different solution! We provide the extent of services that your business requires, functioning as your part time CFO.

K3 Kensulting Inc. was founded in 1997 by Ken Barteski, a Chartered Accountant, who recognized that many small and medium businesses either couldn’t support, or couldn’t afford a Chartered Accountant in the role of CFO on a full time basis.

K3 Kensulting Inc. has provided services to both start-up and established businesses; across a wide breadth of industries, including software, biotechnology, engineering, agriculture, mining, not-for-profit sport organizations and sports marketing.

The link to the video on the left is to a presentation made by Ken's daughter Kal Barteski, at TEDxManitoba in June 2013 entitled "Art of a Polar Bear". If you have about 18 minutes, take a look, I'm sure you will enjoy it ... it's all about PLAY. We're proud of you Kal!